Seahawks Champion PED Drug Culture in Seattle

Seattle defensive lineman, Bruce Irvin, became the seventh Seahawks player to test positive for PED’s (Performance Enhancing Drugs) since 2011.

Only the Washington Redskins have racked up more drug suspensions than the Seahawks and that’s only because “Adderall Advocate” Richard Sherman beat his drug suspension on a technicality.

The Redskins and the Seahawks are far and away the undisputed PED-Kings of the NFL with 7 suspensions for Washington and 6 for Seattle, while no other team has more than four.

As long as the league pussy foots around with 4-game suspensions for guilty players, Pete Carroll and the “Seadderall Seahawks” will keep popping the pills and running wild on the field.

Carroll calls the rampant drug use on his team a “League Issue.” This comes as no surprise as Carroll has been abusing the college and professional level rules since he started coaching.

He’s always been one of those coaches who can turn a blind-eye towards any type of outrageous or illegal off-field behavior and there’s no reason or motivation for him to change now.